
Friday, 27 May 2016

Typing speed test

Today I got 127 (25) on typing.But it is all right because next time I do typing I will going to try and get a higher score then this one. 

Time Tables

These are my time tables on 

Time Tables

This is my time table's

Basic facts

Today my score on timed I got 51/60 last Friday I got 48/60.On sheet I got 20/60 and last Friday I got 30/60 so next I am going to try harder.

Friday, 20 May 2016

Story Map


Today I got 48/60 on timed.But it is all right because at home I am going to practise my basic facts.

Today on sheet I got 30/60.But it is all right because after I am going to just do the one's that I got wrong.


Today my progress is 123 (25).But it is all right because this is my second highest score.So next time I do typing I hope I get a higher score.

A Strange object

A Strange Object

This is a round and shiny thing that I had to eat.But when I bit it it did not taste yum to me. After I bit it I tried to eat the whole thing but I couldn't so I just left it on my desk.

Friday, 13 May 2016

Time Table

This is my time tables.

Basic facts

Today I got 50/60 on timed and I got 40/60 on sheet.So I hope next time I get a higher score.


Today  my progress is 123 (25) on my typing.Last Friday I got 132 (25) so I hope I get a higher score next time.

Friday, 6 May 2016

Basic facts

Today my progress is 132 (26).But it’s all right because this is my highest score I have ever done so next time I will try to get a higher score.