
Thursday, 30 June 2016

Typing Speed Test

Today my progress is 146 (29) on typing.Last Friday I got 160 (32) on typing.So I am going to practise typing in the holidays.

Basic facts

Today I got 57/60 on timed.But on Monday I got 53/60.So I can see that I need to practise my Addition to 20 and my subtraction ton 20.

Today I got 20/60 on sheet.But on Monday I got 19/60.So I will need to practise my basic facts.

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

My Array Activity

I can make an array with rows and columns.

I can use multiplication facts to solve how many objects are in an array by multiplying the rows by the columns.

Basic facts

Today I can see that I need to practise my subtraction to 20 and my division 2,5 and 10

Friday, 24 June 2016

Typing Speed Test

Today my progress is 160 (32) on typing.But on Monday my progress was 153 (31).Today's typing was my second highest so in the holidays I am going to practise typing.But on Monday I got lower so next time I do typing I am going to try and get a higher score.

Basic facts

Today on Prototec I got 10/60 on sheet.But it is all right because I will always try to get a higher score.

Today on Prototec I got 59/60 on timed.But it is all right because I will all ways try to get a higher score.So next time I am going to try and get 60/60.

Friday, 17 June 2016

Typing Speed Test

Today I got 153 (31).But it is all right because this is my highest score.So next time I hope the score is  higher then 31.

Basic facts

Today I got 10/60 on sheet.But on timed I got 58/60.So next time I am going to try and get a higher score on timed and sheet.

Today I got 29/60 on sheet.But on timed I got 56/60.But next I do prototec I hope I get a higher score on timed and sheet.

Friday, 10 June 2016

Typing Speed Test

Today my progress is 148 (30).But It is all right because this is my highest score.So next time I hope to get a score higher then 30.

Acrostic Poem

08/6/16 and 09/6/2016
Acrostic poem

R-read to get better at reading.
E-everyone can read books.
A-anyone can read anything.
D-doing lots reading can make you better at it.
I-If you read you can achieve your reading goals.
N-never give up reading.
G-get good at reading so you can read anything.

In The Weekends

07/6/16 and 10/6/2016
What I wish to do in the weekends.

In the weekends I wish to get rich. I wish to go to another country in the weekends. In the weekends I would like to go to Rainbows End because I have never been there. I also wish to go to the moon and play there with my family. I wish I could go into space in the weekends.

In the weekends I wish to be famous. In the weekends I wish that I could get to meet Richie Mcaw. I wish to go to Tonga in the weekends. I wish to get new PS4 games in the weekends. I also wish to buy myself a new tablet in the weekends. In the weekends I wish to go to see the  All Blacks rugby games.