
Monday, 23 December 2019

Summer Learning Journey Week 2:Day 1

25 years, 3 months, 2 days.
1985 + ? = 2010
1985 + 15 = 2000 + 10 = 2010
15 + 10 = 25 - years
How many more months from April to July? 3 Months
7 + ? = 9
7 + 2 = 9 . 2 - days
For this activity, we would like you to calculate Jessa’s age when she won the NAIDOC Youth of the Year award. She was born on 7 April 1985 and she received the award on 9 July 2010. Please provide the answer to this question in years, months and days (eg. 20 years, 6 months and 2 days).
On your blog, please post both your final answer and an explanation of how you solved this maths problem. You could write your explanation, or use screencastify to record yourself explaining how you solved it.


  1. Hi Laki, this is Mrs Collins again from Manaiakalani and I'll be commenting on blogs over term break. Well done on posting and participating in the SLJ this year.
    Here's my workings out on the problem...
    1985 > 2010 = 25yrs
    7th April > end of April = 23 days
    May = 31 days
    June = 30 days
    > 9th July = 9 days
    = 23+31+30+9= 93 days
    April = 30 days, May = 31 days, June = 30 days (92 days)
    2 days left over
    = 25 yrs, 3 months and 2 days.
    Keep blogging, and commenting on others, to increase your chance of winning one of the awesome prizes and to keep up your learning over the school break!

  2. Hi Laki.
    It's Lukas.
    Great to see you blogging.
    Thats the same answer that I got.
    You also made the questions easier to answer. Good work!
    Keep up the great!

    Kind Regards

  3. Hi Laki,
    Its me Christopher.
    Great to see your still blogging.
    Just like you, that was my answer and we worked it out was the exact same way.

    Besides that your doing a great job!
    Malo Aupito
