
Wednesday 26 December 2018

Summer Learning Journey Week 2 Day 3 Activity 1

Activity 1: Night Owls

On your blog, tell us whether you are a night owl or an early riser. Then, tell us about the rest of your family. Are they the same as you?

I am a Night Owl like the rest of my family but my brother Christopher still wakes up early. But my dad sleeps early sometimes.


  1. Hi Laki,

    I guess we all have our days when we feel like staying up late and when we need to sleep early to recharge for the next day.

    What do you usually do when you stay up? Do you have any family movie nights? I love to eat popcorn when I watch movies at night but I should probably watch out! It is not a great idea to eat late night snacks too often.

    What is your morning routine like? Do you usually pack your own lunch?

    Take care,

  2. Hi Laki,
    Great job on completing this activity! Like your brother Christopher, I also like to wake up early. However, the rest of my family are night owls so sometimes it is a bit hard for me to sleep at night. What do you enjoy doing the most when you stay up? Keep up the good work.
